When Do Baby Teeth Come In?

Babies are actually born with teeth, 20 of them. The catch is that they are comfortably cradled by their gums, and won’t show up until later. Many parents are often confused by their baby’s symptoms and start wondering when to expect the first teeth to erupt.

As with most developmental milestones, there is no definite moment when your baby should have their first tooth, but there are guidelines that help you prepare for this important moment. Let’s see what’s the most common timeline for erupting baby teeth.

The Average Timeline of Baby Teeth Eruption

To have a clearer idea of when to expect your child’s baby teeth to emerge, check the average timeline below. It indicates when each set of teeth usually appears.

  • 6 to 10 months: the lower central incisors.
  • 8 to 12 months: upper central incisors.
  • 9 to 13 months: upper lateral incisors.
  • 10 to 16 months: lower lateral incisors.
  • 13 to 19 months: upper first molars.
  • 14 to 18 months: lower first molars.
  • 16 to 22 months: upper canines.
  • 17 to 23 months: lower canines.
  • 23 to 31 months: lower second molars.
  • 25 to 33 months: upper second molars.

As you can see, babies typically get their incisors during the first year. They are followed by the first molars, shortly after their 1 year birthday. The last ones to emerge are usually the canines and the last set of molars.

Is It Normal For Baby Teeth to Erupt Later than Usual?

As most parents find out during the first years of their children’s lives, not all milestones are touched at the expected moment. Sometimes, your child might show developmental leaps sooner or later than what charts say.

But what are the limits of normal expectations, and when should you investigate possible issues when it comes to the eruption of baby teeth?

Some children show delays in baby teeth eruption. In some cases, none of the baby teeth erupt by the time the little one is one year old. Some possible causes include malnutrition and conditions that you might want to rule out. However, it’s not unusual to just have a genetic predisposition to delayed tooth eruption.

If you have any concerns, address them with your child’s pediatrician.

What to Do When the Baby’s First Teeth Erupt

Once your baby has their first tooth, it’s time to introduce brushing. There are silicon soft brushes on the market for babies, but you can start with a normal soft bristled one right away. Make sure to choose the right size for your baby’s age, and proper toothpaste, to make cleaning comfortable.

Now it’s also the time to book the first dentist visit. Our empathetic, gentle professionals at  Timber Kids Dentistry will check your baby’s teeth and get them familiar with the dentist’s office, plus provide valuable tips for keeping your child’s oral health in top shape.

Contact us to book an appointment today!

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